hey ppl...
well i noe its not 5th yet..but i'm so darn boring studying...
so drop by here kindly to upload pics n sum statement on miss LOKE JEE YENG's bd..
(pss: she is bz doing her studies beside me leh XD )
well here it all goes the "surprise party" for her....
we planned it well long enuf...
but it failed LAST MIN..erhem..coz of sumbody early wish lar...
haha....nvm watever it is...
HAPPY to see all 2gtr..
we shall start wif FOOD>>>
it all started a joke wif LAMB SHOULDER...^^
the lamb shoulder is d main character of d story...
it all started wif 自拍照
u noe lar...tis ppl ar..once start to take pic memang non stop de mar...
so here goes...
yea...its d same lamb shoulder...
but d main point is...this plate of thing is actually...
belongs to d guy right behind yu yeng's head in d pic....
haha...he still eats it though it has pass through almost half d table d XD
the real order by us are the following>>>
KIKI & MC's tasteless burger ^^
viv not so good taste fishy set... :P
well..obviously this is no food...
haha...juz US camwhoring AGAIN ^^
well..so here goes d cake presenting time...
n now onli i realise this cake really looks good ^^
anyone interested..can buy it from cake sense..
it taste n looks good :)
haha...yea u see hands around...
to block d wind from d wind above lor..
hehe...she is kind enuf to grant a wish for everyone der ^^
after a peaceful cake blowing session...
she got a nice blow by these ppl..
scary enuf to turn her beautiful look to ...
yea la..juz because she don wann b old enuf of 22
purposely go change the fingers to 20 XD
well...next is photo taking session AGAIN ^^
from this darky look
she is this bright...
all thanks to this WATERMELON^^
hehe....coz he is our profesisonal lighting man of the nite ^^
so here goes d group session...
THE gals..
the GUYS...
haha yea..if lightman is der..who is gonna light up d scene..
our temporary light gal ^^
and our very special guests of the day..
hehe...groupies again..
the famous flower style..
well..the rest is wu liao pics again...
kinda bored updating d..lol...
well this is the 1st..on d gals..wif big lightbulb tu tou da tou behind..XD
haha...pss..everyone here is a closer view...
next these are the guys pic taken by me...
MR water melon...undeniable..this pic is nice okay..
if u wanna take it as profile pic pls treat me a meal 1st...
wahahahaha ^^
and here is our bro Tong xian..
who always miss out bd celebration coz he is juz so busy....
Pratikum 3 siao siao lang..
paiseh wat i also dunno him..XD
like gangster onli lar...our once childish looking dai lou :P
Keekee a/l gumaran ( i think so...) become fairer under d nice lightings..haha
i dunno where came this pic..but it does look nice.. XD
forever pretty lass
鸡蛋+蛋糕=鸡蛋糕 ^^
dual version
pic session continue wif present sharing time...
d MOMO shoe by viv
and d kingsoft plastic baggie by suang suang..
viv's sandals...
and ribbon :P
haha..sure suang don juz giv kingsoft so cheap lar..
hers all totally handmade de leh....
make ppl jealous onli lor...
still got a long essay for yu yeng..
ish ish ish..pian xin....(haha..this is shum's 心声)
and not forgetting her eggzzz
novels by the guyzzzz
well there goes the pic...
this meal cost us
haha..scary shit...
n their service juz so not tat up to std...
wif d gay gay waiter serving ppl...
he keep saying one more moment one more moment..
make all surprises gone lar...
coz yu yeng reach d..n yet no seats..haiz...
but..hope she d main one and everyone have a great day in the end ^.^
Happy early birthday my dear..
and good luck everyone for ur exam..^^